Monday, June 14, 2010

Creative Pursuits

A serene Swiss mountain range lays in the distance, rugged and adorned in a wreath of puffy cotton-like clouds. The mountain melt into a tranquil rolling landscape. The flowers decorating the luscious, grass covered mounds, radiate the brilliantly shining sun. Rocks sparsely sprinkle the hills and give the appearance of impact craters. The sun sets the atmosphere of a peaceful, gentle, kind old man. The clouds in the distance give the impression of a slight rage boiling beneath the surface but yet calm enough not to show. If this picture were to have a flavour it would be the cool, refreshing taste of a crystal clear mountain brook. The scent of cool mountain air mixed with the smell of fresh baked scones wafts through the air. This picture is best impersonated by the passive character of:

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Perception is Everything

Beau Otto made some interesting observations and formulated some mind-blowing statements in his presentation on optical illusions. He pointed mainly, to how the human perceives information that the brain records. The human brain is a complex thing, and the way you see something, in a certain light, or what your mind tells you what you are seeing is truly amazing. Sometimes this can alter the way a person thinks or acts and can change their life forever.
The way people perceive something can leave a lasting impression on them forever. It could even be the simplest of ideas that throws off the way you think, act or make decisions. The way our lives are lived, is by the way that we perceive things. For example, the optical illusion of the shapes near the beginning of his presentation was intended to make us see something that was the same but looked different. This is a great example that follows us through life. You can't judge a book from its cover. The illusion made us see something different when it was in fact the same. This clearly ties into the concept of racism. We may look different on the outside but on the inside, we are really all the same.
The world operates on the idea of perception. If we look in nature we see the defense systems of thousands of different animals and organisms. In reality, these critters are using, not only disguise, but perception to their advantage. They may spread their wings and blend into a tree to escape danger, and everything around them perceives them as a part of nature. They, as well as many other things, including people, use these strategies to their advantage. This connects to the "loners" and "uncool" people of society. They alter their image to change the way that people perceive them. The world revolves around the ideology of perception and the people of society rely on it without even realizing it. Perception rules all, perception is everything.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Road Less Travelled

Should you go through life with a mediocre job that pays well, or have your dream job with a lower salary? I believe that having a job that satisfies your deepest desires ranks higher than a "fat" salary. Some adults are stuck in a job that was last on their list of jobs as a child just because they are getting the big dollars. As an example, I don't really care how much I get paid, as long as my career involves me flying. My career plans include going to the Royal Military College in St-Jean, Quebec (which I have been accepted too!) and Kingston, Ontario to work towards a degree in History and then become a pilot. I will spend 4 years collectively at the two schools and then spend a few years doing some flight training. Too be successful at your job you need to be passionate about it and also enjoy every moment of it! Do not lose sight of your dreams and work towards them, achieve them, and enjoy them for your entire career!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Journal-The Silent Sea

The profile of "ethnic cleansing" (p.49) has greatly impacted the world's community in many different ways. From the early days of the World Wars and to the present, the idea of cleansing has been used.

This idea has had some personal connections to myself. My mothers Dad escaped from Poland during WWII and came to Canada. He barely escaped the wrath of the Nazis. This ideology is present in the world even today. In the book "The Silent Sea" by Clive Cussler uses this idea very effectively. There are people in this world who view all other races as "impure" and bad for their health and the planet. This quote cleared this certain part of the book up for me. It helped me visualize what the team was doing and why they were doing it. This quote also helped with the rest of the novel, as it was always in the back of my mind for the remainder of the novel. As stated earlier, my grandfather escaped the Nazis. This put an example in my mind of how the people being targeted in the novel must have felt. This quote was excellent for me as it stayed with me for the entire novel and helped clear things up.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Transformers 2.

An action-packed thriller with graphics that will leave you wondering "did this actually happen?" A sequel to the first Transformers, this movie had a lot of expectations to live up to. With a very open conclusion, "Revenge of the Fallen" filled every ones shoes and surpassed even the most skeptical movie critics on the market today. With a story-line that was slightly weak, producer Micheal Bay made up for it with hundreds of gut-wrenching explosions, stunning special effects and a subtle love story to keep the women involved. What starts out as an anti-decepticon secret operation, becomes a full-fledged war between Earth and robots. The human race is dragged in to a war that could very well plummet all of mankind to its extinction. This movie gets a four-out-of-five star performance due to a slight lack of storyline. Over-all though, this is a must see!

Monday, March 29, 2010

12 Things To Do When There's No Power

Imagine a relaxed, cozy evening in 1765. Electricity has been invented, and man kind is abusing it. All of a sudden the grid overloads and all power in the area has gone out! What to do now! There are thousands of possibilities, but only 12 have made the cut.
1) Clean the house from top to bottom and leave the place as clean as the dogs mouth!
2) Refurbish the front and back yards, plant new plants, destroy all weeds without fail and mow the lawn.
3) Repair anything on the wooden cart in your driveway! (If there's nothing to repair, break something and repair that!)
4) Visit other members of the town. (Although that's only 6 people)
5) Embark on a hunt in order to get food for tonight's dinner!
6) Invent some new games in the forest while hunting for dinner.
7) Get sidetracked while playing the game and stumble around and get yourself lost.
8) Spend a cold, wet and uneventful night in the jungle.
9) When the sun rises, try to find your way back home, in time for breakfast.
10) Write a journal entry with a piece of charcoal on a giant rock about the nights adventures.
11) Teach the other town members the new game you invented and proceed to get the entire village lost in the jungle.
12) Pray to the Gods for days on end, until the town magically reappears!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Top 3 Fighter Aircraft

From the advancements of Wilbur and Orville Wright, the world of aviation has changed drastically! No longer are we bound to Earth, no longer is the car so important. Now we have aircraft and with that; fighters. This is my list of the top 3 fighter aircraft of the world.

3) F-35 Lightning
One of the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world today is the F-35 Lightning. With incredible speed, unbelievable stealth, and the most advanced weaponry systems installed, this plane is one of man kinds greatest advancements in fighter aircraft. This plane has the potential to out fly and out perform any other fighter out there. Of course, the right pilot has to fly it correctly in order for this to happen! Canada has it's name on the list for possible receivership of this incredibly agile and dangerous aircraft. This aircraft also has the capabilities to take off vertically like a helicopter and land on extremely short airstrips. This gives it many advantages and puts this aircraft at number 3.

2) F-18 Hornet
Canada's number one fighter aircraft. This is one of the older fighter aircraft, but it still performs like it was fresh off if the assembly line! With advanced weapons, incredible speed, outstanding agility, and huge payloads, this fighter is still one of the most rugged ones fighting for our freedom. With opportunities to launch from aircraft carriers, this jet has the potential to fight in all reaches of the world and deliver stunning performances. Although it has a few drawbacks, it is outstanding in all other categories this plane is sitting in a comfortable, number 2 position.

1) A-10 Warthog
The Hot Seat! Commonly known as the "tank killer", the A-10 is, in my opinion, the number 1 fighter aircraft in the world. With its sleek design, huge firepower and unbeatable reputation, this aircraft deserves a standing ovation. The roar of the twin turbofan engines screaming through the dark Afghanistan nights is enough to frighten even the toughest of enemies! This aircraft can fly at the speed of sound, carry unimaginable payloads, and absolutely pummel any opponents in its path! This plane absolutely deserves the number one spot on the list of the all time Top 3 Fighter Aircraft!